Monday, March 4, 2013

Welcome March and Bimini pictures

So very glad that March is here.  Ready for spring weather, that's for sure. Here's a couple of pictures from the past week.

This past weekend we went to the Kimball Art Center in Park City to see a cool exhibit with Lego scultpures.  If you like legos, you should go.  Plus, it is free so even better!  We enjoyed it.

Lucy and Emily have been working on a young women project which involves finding new recipes, shopping, and preparing some new meals.  They have been cooking lots and I am loving that!  Some of the things they have prepared are: chili and breadsticks, barbeque bacon chicken, grilled chicken salad, baked mac-n-cheese, and barbeque chicken pizza.  Lately they have started making it into a competion, like when they made the pizza's, they each made a pizza and called them pizza A and B and we all had to vote on which was our favorite.  Then last night they decided to each make a dessert and made everyone vote on their favorinte. Emily made a carrot cake -yes, from scratch, and Lucy made a lemon cake with chocolate frosting and decorated it fabulously.  They were both very yummy.  I am loving this project!

Oh, I was looking through pictures and realized I didn't do a post for our last stop in the Bahamas, Bimini, so I am going to put a few here.

Eating more coconuts that we had saved from Alder's Cay.  Had to put this one on with the crazy faces.
 The beaches and scenery and water weren't as nice as the Exumas, but still pretty of course.  We found this great beach with big rocks to climb on. We also found lots of pretty sea glass to collect.

This was a kind of sad couple of days, knowing that it was our last stop in the Bahamas while we watched the weather for the right wind/seas condition to cross the gulf stream and get back to Florida.
We left very early to cross the gulf to allow plenty of time.  It was very calm dark, and no waves or wind the first few hours.  It was so peaceful and pretty.  We just motored along.  Later that morning the wind picked up and the waves soon followed with it.  We made good time and got to Ft. Lauderdale by 2:00 in the afternoon. It was a good last big sail for us.

Watching the sunrise as we said goodbye to the bahamas.

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