Wednesday, June 5, 2013

April, 2013

Trying to catch up. It has been a whirlwind of a few months, adjusting to life off the boat and back in Utah.  It is amazing how quickly it got busy. We all got jobs -Jack, Paul, and I , Em was back at WHS and still finishing several online high school courses, and we continued to home school  Lucy and Noah. We moved back into our home the beginning of april and were excited to see all our stuff again. It felt like Christmas!

Easter pictures. It was a good excuse to get new outfits since we only had boat clothes.

The beginning of April we went to visit our friends in Las Vegas.  We had a ball hiking around red rock canyon with the Martins.



Noah even got to have an early birthday celebration there too.
Noah is finally 9. He got some new legos, so life was good.

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