Thursday, February 21, 2013


It has been a very busy couple of weeks.  The kids have been really excited and are so happy to be back. Paul and I have had some mixed emotions.. it is great to be back with friends and family but we do miss the sailing, the beach, the water, the weather, etc especially since it is fairly cold here.  But things have been going really quite well and we feel like it is all working out. 
We have been very busy looking at housing options, buying a car, and still doing the kids school stuff. Emily has started back at the high school half time so she goes there every other day and was excited to get back on the high school drumline. Lucy and Noah are doing the home school thing and having fun seeing friends and cousins for sleepovers. Jack is getting busy with the list of things to do to get ready for a mission and looking for some money earning opportunities.  I just got hired back at the Heber hospital and will be starting that in a couple of days, so things are progressing well and we consider ourselves very blessed.

Here are a few pics from this past couple of weeks.

Our last picture of the boat as we said goodbye. A sad moment. It kept us safe and took us to amazing places.
We filled 13 army duffle bags to fly home. This was taken when Paul and the girls took the first load to the airport while the boys and I waited at the marina for our turn since the bags wouldn't all fit in one car load.  It was exhausting to lug those bags around!

Our first item of business when we got back to Utah... Jack opening his mission call.  Oakland/San Francisco, CA and he reports on June 5. 

Next item of business playing with our families and playing in the snow.

Superbowl extravaganza with Paul's family in Nephi.  We were in heaven to be able to have so much yummy food which we had missed while living in the middle of nowhere.

Paul's sister Wendy planned an awesome family valentine party at the classic roller skating rink.  Hadn't been there in years!!  We all made and exchanged valentines and we had a ball.


I have also been working on uploading past posts from the Bahamas and I will try to get that finished up soon.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Paul and Kate......this is Mary from Morningstar Marinas @ Golden Isles. I'm so proud of you all for making your journey. Looks like you're settling back in to the land lubber life!

    Your are such a great family! Wishing you all the best.
