Monday, January 21, 2013

Highborne, Allen's Cay, Rose Island 1/15-1/18

Some of these cays may sound familiar. Yes, we have stopped at Allen's and Highborne before, but since we have been headed north again, we came upon them again. We had nice sails on the banks side to get here.
At Highborne we found some new snorkel spots that we missed the first time and they were some of the most colorful reefs we have seen.

At Allen's we snorkeled and played with all the iguanas again. We were going to pass Allen's and anchor at Ship Channel Cay, but as we were passing the island and saw all the iguanas, Noah got all excited and wanted to go see them again, so we anchored there instead and spent a fun afternoon visiting iguanas, snorkeling, swimming and burying Noah in the sand at the beach. It was a nice afternoon.
Isn't she the tropical island princess? :)
The next day we we continued north to Rose Island. There wasn't enough wind to sail so we motored. The water was really cool looking today. It looked emerald green and was really pretty and without many waves, it was so clear.
Rose Island didn't have any exciting snorkeling that we could find, but we checked out a few trails on the island and found a deserted resort area where Lucy got scared by an awesome pot bellied pig. He was funny. I collected a few more palm fronds for my basket weaving and accidently poked a palm frond up my nose. Don't ask me how I am that talented, but I got a fun nose bleed out of that. Didn't know palm fronds were so sharp on the end. Thankful that besides that and the occasional cuts and scrapes on the feet and legs, we have been very blessed to be safe and healthy. Thankful for that.

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