Sunday, January 13, 2013

Georgetown, Great Exuma 1/3-1/11/13

Look at us stay still for more than a couple of days.  It has been fun to stay put and relax a little. This is a really fun place. There are tons of cruisers that just stay here in George Town for the cruising season we hear. It is a good size town with good grocery selection and prices, plus it is still really pretty with lots to do too.  It was so nice to have some fresh produce and to buy bread again. I have been baking bread a lot since it has been crazy expensive at the little stores on the smaller cays.

the Chat'n chill  (sorry my finger snuck in the picture)

 could he get any more particles of sand on himself?

Hanging out with the stingrays.

working on the volleyball skills.

The cruising community is so nice here. There are lots of activities and things to do. It has been fun for the kids to meet a few other kids and make a few new friends. There is a fun beach -hang out spot called volleyball beach that has a little hamburger restaurant/bar (Chat'n Chill). We decided since we haven't eaten out at all since we were in Utah, we would get a hamburger and it was heavenly. Volleyball beach also has a big shady area with tables where people come hang out in the afternoons to play volleyball, visit, play at the beach or in the water, swing from the trees, play their guitars, or even weave baskets. Some sting rays hang out at this beach too -they must get fed a lot- so the kids like to wade out and pet the stingrays too. There are lots of trails and pretty beaches all around too.

In the mornings, we get school work done, work on boat projects, laundry, etc, and then enjoy the sunshine and such in the afternoon. It has been a nice routine lately.
On Sunday, we went to Beach Church (along with doing our own family meeting later) and that was pretty cool. It was a very different, unique experience for church and we had fun. The people here are just so very nice and welcoming. I even learned how to weave a basket with the cute retired ladies and it was pretty fun. If you would have told me a year ago that I would be sitting here, in the Bahamas, living on a boat, weaving baskets, I would have laughed hard!

kind of far...but this is the bagpiper doing his nightly performance.

Another cool thing here, even though there are lots of boats in the anchorages and so it is a little less peaceful and private, there are some fun things with all the people around. Like when someone starts blowing a conch shell and many others start chiming in, or, the boat right next to us has a guy who stands at his bow every evening and plays his bagpipe for about 10 minutes. I don't think I have ever been much of a bagpipe music fan, but when he is doing it there and it is quiet and nice scenery and such, it is just really cool.


 sorry for the fogging on the camera.


We did some snorkeling, but the water has been a bit cloudy due to the higher winds so not as great for snorkeling. But the beaches and hiking the trails and other stuff is still really nice. Sometimes we hike over to the ocean side of the island and play in the breaking waves too.


Our last day here we had a fun surprise. We looked out and saw a dolphin by our boat. We haven't seen dolphins as much out in the Bahamas so we were excited. Paul, Jack, and Lucy were gone in the dinghy-lobster hunting, but Em and Noah quickly jumped in the water. We didn't think the dolphin would stick around, but he did and Em and Noah swam around with him for awhile. He would let them get within about 5-6 feet of him. It was really exciting to get to swim with dolphins. He hung around for about a half hour. That will be a great memory.
Another great memory for Noah today was he finally got a coconut to crack. It has been his wish and desire for awhile. A guy from town we met at the dinghy dock had a few he was selling when we went to get groceries this morning (1/11) and we were excited to find coconuts. $3 for two coconuts was a great bargain to make our Noah's day!

Noah loves his coconut boats!

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