Friday, January 25, 2013

Alders Cay, Chub Cay 1/19-1/22

A beautiful sunset soon after we anchored at Alders Cay
 This floating concrete dock we found reminded us of a scene from National Treasure - good balancing huh?
Miracle of miracles! I got a few pictures to upload!  First time in forever!  That makes me happy. 
Anyway, this is Alders Cay.  We had to stop here since it is my mom's maiden name. :)  It is a small cay and didn't look like much coming to it from the ocean side, but we came around the cut and it was a wonderful find! 
It had a great beach with super soft sand and cool shells. It had big palm trees with ripe coconuts (we snagged a few and they were yummy! We walked around and explored and found a beautiful lagoon with a couple of docks. It has been fixed up really nice by someone, but we didn't find any people or any resorts.

Paul and Emily went spearfishing and Paul was successful! He caught a snapper and it was super yummy!. If you know me very well, you might know that I don't love lots of kinds of fish, but this one was very mild and tender and I loved it!  Lucy and Noah snorkeled around here too and we saw 2 sharks near the lagoon.

The kids were very entertaining to watch as they tried to get coconuts from the tall tree. They tried throwing old coconuts from the ground to knock down the good ripe ones, but that didn't work. Then Noah sat on Jack's shoulders and was able to reach up and grab and twist off a couple. They were successful! It's weird.  My kids don't like any desserts with coconut but they really liked the real, fresh coconuts and we ate them up fast.

At the end of the island we noticed what looked like a cave so we dinghied over and checked it out. It was a cave and we went in it and it was really fun to go through it. It even went to the other side of the island where waves would crash into it. It was a great find.  Overall we loved this place!

Next stop was Chub Cay -just a few hours away from Alders. On the way over, Paul and the kids had just put out the fishing pole and they got a bite. It was very exciting. They have had bites here and there, but no real luck lately. Today was the lucky day!  It was quite a battle that lasted forever it seemed and ended with Paul pulling up a huge silver fish. He guesses it was about 40 pounds. We checked all the charts and pictures we have and are still trying to figure out what it is. We do know that it is huge and it was so exciting!

Chub Cay had tons of big starfish on the ground all around the anchorage, so the girls jumped in and started rounding up all the starfish they could into one big group for a picture. They ended up with at least 30!  They are each about a foot in diameter and are really cool. They are bright red and yellow. It is funny how you don't really notice starfish moving and they seem to move really slow until you are trying to group them together for a picture and then they just won't stay where you put them. The girls had quite a workout with them.

We found a nice beach at Chub too that also had some of the finest sand ever. It felt like walking in flour- not that I've walked in flour before-but I think that is what it would feel like.  We found lots of cute little hermit crabs at the beach and the kids decided to have crab races.  They were naming them and cheering for their favorites and it was a ton of fun. I'm glad that they always think of new things to do at the beaches.

Noah loves the dinghy rides. This is his favorite spot to ride and warn us about "incoming waves!"
Emily and I have been practising our cooking skills. Here we are making homemade tortillas. Yes, I am using a can of cannola spray as my rolling pin. We have to be creative sometimes.


  1. I love to hear about your adventures and am glad it's so wonderful! Thanks for sharing. Still have company and am quarantined for possible whooping cough. Was exposed at work. I guess I get a nice rest out of the deal. If I'm better I will go to California with Will next week for work for a couple of days. It's been around 0 degrees for about 3 wks and the inversion is bad. You're not missing anything at all! Have extra fun for us!! Miss you... Wendy
