Thursday, September 6, 2012

Passing time in September

Kind of slow again, I realize, but I haven't had too many pictures and stuff lately. Not really a lot of exciting, picture worthy stuff lately.  We are getting a little antsy to get out to the Bahamas and to start doing some new stuff, but we know we really need to be patient and safe and not do that during hurricane season.  So anyway, here is some of the latest for us.  This was taken at the Fountain of Youth Archeological Park that we visited.  It is the site where Ponce De Leon stopped and also the site for many early St. Augustine forts and villages.  It was cool.
We haven't been out to sail too much lately because of rain sometimes, and because of lack of wind sometimes, but we hit the jackpot a few days ago and had a beautiful sunny day and fabulously perfect wind.  In fact, it was the best wind we've ever had out there so we were able to do the main sail and jib. (Usually we do the spinnaker with the light winds)  The winds were averaging 10-15 knots and it amazes us how well these sails work even when heading 30-60 degrees into the wind.  It is really cool.
We all love to sit out at the front of the boat and watch the waves and watch for dolphins and turtles. With the great winds this day, Lucy and Noah got their share of big splashes hitting them too. :)

Today we decided to try out my underwater camera that Paul and the kids gave me for my birthday.  We did it in the pool because even though we love many things about St. Augustine, the water -especially the ICW- is not clear or pretty.  We are excited to get to snorkel once we head out to the clear waters of the Bahamas, but decided to check out the underwater feature in the pool today.  Turned out pretty good we think.

Em took a cute underqater video too but dang it, it wont load.  Maybe I will try again another time.  It was another warm and sunny day.  We like that except for the extra gnats and mosquitos that we have when it is not windy or rainy.

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