Monday, August 27, 2012

anniversaries, manatees, and a little Harry Potter

It was a slower week mainly. Monday was our 2 month boating adventure anniversary, and Wednesday was our 21 year wedding anniversary. It was a nice day. Paul and I went to Jacksonville to run a few errands and had lunch together.  Then that evening, the girls surprised us by making us dinner for our anniversary  They served us out here where we were relaxing on the boat. It was super cute of them.
There isn't much else to report about the week until Saturday, and then the fun began! We woke up to 5 manatees right outside the boat.  We were very excited because we haven't hardly seen them at all this past month and to have 5 together was amazing. So yes, more manatee footage. We will never get tired of them.
Super cute how they kept coming up and taking turns guzzling the water.
 Then, we spontaneously decided to drive to Orlando to go to universal studios. We have a vacation planned to go there in September for a few days to go to universal and Sea World, and recently we noticed that an annual pass would only be 20$ more than a 4 day pass so we thought we would go a few times over the next few months when we need to kill time. So we jumped in the car and went to check it out.  We have been excited to check out the Harry Potter world because we love Harry Potter and I have even been reading the books to Noah like Paul did with Jack when he was younger. The Harry Potter world was super cool. we felt like we were really there.  It was a fun day. It was sunny and a nice break from the boat repairs and the rain we have had lately.
We have been watching tropical storm Isaac closely this past week and are now breathing easier since  it has moved away from us.  We are supposed to get more rain all this week, but the really good news is that our inverter is finally fixed, and the leaking repairs that we have had multiplying are all ok now.  That makes us happy. So if the weather gets better, now we can go somewhere, if not, we will hang out here.  We will see.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a blast Kate! The kids are at school so I actually have a minute to check out your blog! You have done so many fun things. It seems like I am reading about some one in a book or on a movie. So many great adventures. Kinda reminds me of Swiss Family Robinson. Just don't get shipwrecked:) So it looks like Hurricane Isaac may not be too bad for you right? We miss you, hope all is well!
