Monday, July 16, 2012

Camping and sailing

Ok. Time to catch up on last week.  So, Lucy and Kate spent Monday-Saturday at girls camp at Camp Glynn in Brunswick Georgia I think.  The camp was on a little island in the middle of a big area of salt marshes.  It was pretty there and we had a lot of fun. It was very hot and humid at times but there were lots of fun things to do and we are starting to get used to feeling hot and wet and sticky all the time.  As used to it as you can I guess.

This is the beautiful group of girls I got assigned to - the level four campers.  They were an amazing group of girls and leaders and I really enjoyed getting to know them and spend time with them. 

Lucy got to help with flag ceremony and did a fabulous job.  She also got to go swimming lots, did crafts, dance, shooting, and the other certification stuff.  It was very busy.

This was Lucy's assigned big sister Cortney.  She was amazing and so awesome to Lucy.  She really helped Lucy to meet people and to have a great time.  All the girls and leaders were so nice.  We are really loving the people here in St. Augustine.

So while Lucy and I had our camping adventure, Paul and the kids stayed busy.  They practised docking and driving the boat around a few times and got really good at it.  They got the engines fixed and running well, dealt with pesky birds who were sitting on our mast and making messes on the boat, practised using the scuba system in the pool, got the boat name painted on the boat (the name is AEGIS if we havent mentioned it before), and got the new upholstery job going on the seating (a nice lady is making new cushions for us). Lucy and I came home to a nice clean boat and it was wonderful to be home.  This is starting to feel like home a little more, instead of just an extended vacation or something.

Apparently we were all pretty worn out from a busy week.  Lucy and I had hammock naps Sunday afternoon since we stayed up too late at camp (esp. Lucy, she is a night owl!)  Then Noah fell asleep in the hammock that night. He always seems to fall asleep somewhere other than his bed every evening.  I guess all this sun and swimming really wears him out.

And now for today. Today's big adventure was taking the boat out of the inlet into the ocean for our first sailing lesson/practise.  Captain Rick and his son Finn came with us.  We first spent a few hours checking all the sails and learning zillions of new terms and how to do all kinds of things (it is all swimming around in my head now) and then we set out.
So...Noah and Lucy loved it. Especially coming out of the narrow inlet that had some really big waves.  Jack and Emily got sick pretty quickly with those big waves. Paul did not get sick at all which is interesting since he gets sick easier than the rest of us on amusement motion rides. And what about Kate?  OK, story.  So I did ok at first, then was feeling just slightly queasy with the big waves.  Then when we got out into the real ocean and it was calmer I was doing ok. Rick was helping me
do all the sail stuff while Paul was driving/steering, and that helped to distract me.  But then, I went in the boat, down in our storage/pantry room to get some anti-nausea medicine for Jack and Em.  That was pretty ironic because while looking for the nausea medicine in that small room I got WAY sick and ran upstairs and out the boat and promptly lost my lunch over the side of the boat.  Yes, Kate is officially the first one to do that on our adventure.  I did feel quite a bit better after at least.  So we learned a lot and all felt better when we got back.  We knew it would probably take some getting used to.  Maybe next time we will take the medicine before we head out.  We are learning as we go.
And we did see a dolphin close by when we were out there so I am trying to focus on the positive. :)
      In the pictures you can see poor Emily laying there not feeling well at all.  It was sad. We came back and swam in the pool and everyone is good now. 

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