Friday, July 27, 2012

July 23-27

The beginning of our week wasn't so exciting with a broken bilge pump and then on Tuesday(the holiday for our friends and family in Utah) our fridge was not working. So we spent the day trying to figure that out with occasional runs to the store to buy ice to keep all of our food from spoiling.  Then we did laundry too.  There was a cute little primary pioneer activity that we went to that evening and we played pioneer games, ate chili and pancakes, and got majorly attacked by gnats.  So a little different from our usual pioneer days in the past.  Definitely unique!

I don't think I've written much about food yet.  Now we do have a lot more options since we have a fridge and microwave.  We use the stove sometimes too but not a lot since it really heats up the boat.  We haven't even tried out our cute little oven yet, just too hot to think about.  A few days ago we tried doing the crockpot for dinner and we plugged it in out in the cockpit so we wouldn't get hot.  That worked out really well and gives us more options.  Our favorite thing though is the little BBQ on the boat.  We made hamburgers and they were heavenly.  What we eat the most these days is cereal, sandwiches, and easy microwave stuff, so homemade hamburgers were a super yummy change.

Just took a picture of our little owl buddy.  This is what Paul got to keep the birds from hanging out on our boat and pooping all over it.  It actually has been helping a lot.  I think we have started a new trend.  A couple of other boats just got some owls and so did the restaurant at the marina. 

We haven't really been able to sail this week because there has not been much wind or breezes.  Bummer.  It has been pretty dang hot too.  Today we decided that since the wind wouldn't cooperate with our sailing wishes we would go practise anchoring.  So we motored down the ICW (intracoastal waterway) about an hour to a little spot called pine island.  The anchoring went really well. 

Once we had the anchoring thing figured out we were about to jump in and swim to the beach/island -30-40 yards away, but as we were looking into the water, a big jellyfish went by.  So we were a little nervous because you can't see much in the water on the ICW and we definitely didn't want to swim with a bunch of jellyfish, so we decided to take the dinghy to the shore.  Here is a picture of our first anchoring job from the little pine island beach.

It was a cute little beach we had all to ourselves.  And it had a tire swing hanging from a tree.  How convenient.  We all had to try it out.  It was a great little beach and we are thinking about coming back soon and staying anchored overnight.  This would be a good place to try that out.

After playing in the water we decided to head back.  Lucy and I got some good practise driving the boat today.  Lucy driving a 20,000 pound boat.  No big deal right? Not too bad when you are only going 5 miles an hour thankfully. :)

This evening we had a treat.  We saw a cute sea turtle here at the marina.  We saw another one yesterday but didn't have the camera nearby.  This one was interesting with his barnacles on his back. They are fun to watch.  They look like they are just relaxing and in no hurry to swim and wander around. Time to go; I want to watch the olympics!!

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