Monday, July 23, 2012

1 month anniversary

Another week and our 1 month anniversary since leaving on our adventure.  I mentioned that it had been a month to the kids, and we all agreed that it feels like lots longer.  It feels like we haven't been to Utah forever.  I guess just because it has been very busy and full of lots of new events and changes to get used to.  Pretty weird.   Anyway, I didn't take many pictures this past week because though we were doing stuff, it wasn't really the exciting picture taking kind of stuff.  This was fun though, these were taken at the pool at the marina when we practised using the Hooka dive system we got. Instead of having to carry tanks on your back, there is an air compressor (which will sit on the boat) and it has 4 long lines so up to 4 people can go down and explore.  The kids love it and have got the hang of it very quickly.  Can't wait to try it in some pretty water with fish and cool stuff.   
Noah is becoming quite the little fish and loves the flippers and mask.  He would probably sit at the bottom of the pool all day if we let him. 

Some of the not so glamorous things we did this week:
*a shopping trip to Jacksonville -hello costco;
*making a few adjustments with some of our sailing equipment;
*trying out a new sail -a spinaker sail which is easier that the main sail and jib -though we will be practising all of them;
*spending several hours working on Noah and Lucy's home school curriculum/planning out the school year;
*harrassing the upholstery lady who has had a bit of problems getting our seating done right (hopefully done this week)
* frog, crab, and lizard catching, and dolphin and manatee sightings - we love this stuff!
*and of course more boat projects. We are finding that there will always be a list of need to do's and want to do's with having a boat and we just have to pick which ones are important enough to do next.  Today we spent several hours trying to figure out why our starboard bilge pump was not working and that was fun.  (Yes , a little sarcastic, but it's all good.)
 This week will hopefully include some sailing practise and we might go try out anchoring too.

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