Monday, June 25, 2012

We made it!

We have made it!  Another few days of tons of driving with some random stops (Graceland, the Loraine Motel where Martin Luther King was killed) and lots more states and we are in Forida.  We got to St. Augustine Sunday afternoon and even though it was raining a ton we had to go introduce the kids to the new boat.  They are pretty excited!
It has been raining almost nonstop since we hit Florida, so we decided to work on cleaning the inside of the boat today.  There is plenty of cleaning and other projects to work on this next few days.

Looks like Noah is ready to learn how to drive this thing.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! The boat looks awesome. I'm glad the drive went well and so fast! We'll be watching. I hope you don't mind me sharing your blog with others that are curious.
