Friday, June 29, 2012

So it has been a very long, busy week of hard work.  Just a little idea of our daily routine the past 5 days: get up early and go to the boat yard by 8:30 am; clean and clean and scrub inside the boat (Monday and Tues), unpack and organize (Wed), clean and scrub and wax and buff and paint the outside of the boat (Thurs and Friday), take a quick lunch break in the afternoon and run errands-go buy equipment, supplies, snacks, water; go back to the boat and work until 7-8 pm; go back to the hotel and swim for an hour, eat snacks and relax and fall asleep exhausted.  Pretty glamorous week huh? It has been really hard work, but it has gone well and we had lots to do to get ready to put the boat in the water.  Now we just have a few more little projects to work on this weekend and the plan is to put it in the water and take it to a marina on Monday morning. It feels so good to have lots of the big hard stuff done.  I better be getting some strong muscles for all this.  Another thing we have been working on this week is learning boat lingo, so I occasionally quiz the kids and I try to only use forward, aft, port, starboard for directions as well as calling the rooms by the terms - galley, cockpit, salon, cabin, head, etc.  We are getting the hang of it and are learning new things about this boat every day.

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of area to wax! I heard if you wax in a circular motion it makes you good at karate:) Have a fun week!
