Thursday, June 7, 2012

Getting Ready for an adventure

So, after trying and trying to think of a clever name for a new blog to journal our upcoming family boating adventure, I have decided to use this family blog I started a few years ago when Paul went to Afghanistan. I created it for family and Paul to be able to keep up with each other.  I ( as you can tell) did not keep it going because he wasn't able to view it from where he was stationed, so I kind of gave up.  So here we go again.  If I think of a cool name I might start a new one, but as of right now, I can only think of dorky names like "Cruising with the Coltons" or "The Colton Catamaran" and those are just too cheesy.  So here goes. We don't have very many pictures of our boat yet, but this was taken when we went out for the inspection in April.

They hauled out the boat for the inspection and we decided to keep it out in dry storage until we get there, so we can do a little work on it when we arrive.  We are leaving very soon and are getting very excited for our adventure to begin.


  1. I am very much looking forward to following you on all of your adventures! Good luck!

  2. I am so happy you let me know about your blog to follow along!! WOW!! Your family is sure adventurous!
