Saturday, October 20, 2012

Last days in Florida

Time to catch up again.  Here is the past week and a half in the life of the Coltons.  We went to visit another fort -Ft. Matanzas. It is just south of St. Augustine and it is a small fort, but we really liked it. It is on a little island (Rattlesnake Island--no we didn't see any snakes) so we got to ride a little ferry over to it as part of the tour. It was cool.
Ferry ride to the fort.
Cannons at a fort are always a bonus.
Some other misc. stuff happening for our last week in Florida.  The kids decided to have a sleepover outside in the cockpit.  They liked it so much that they had to do it a second night. 
Then, of course Noah wanted to do school in the sleeping bag and I thought well, if it will motivate him and he will have fun then why not. A perk to homeschooling huh? Anything to make schoolwork a little funner.
And of course, Noah had the idea to make the cockpit into a fort. Kids can make anything into a fort!
 All you need is a few clothespins, a towel, and ta-da!

More miscellaneous: the latest hobby has been Harry Potter.  Since I have been reading the books to the kids, Noah started playing Harry Potter and his nice sisters joined in.  Here they are with their coolest wand poses.
This is them hanging out in the whomping willow. This is an awesome tree that Noah loves to hang out in.

They have been having various Hogwarts classes for their harry potter playtime. This one was Care of Magical creatures- a few crabs hanging out in the mud worked well for that class.
You can't read the papers sadly, but they say that this is the wand shop. We all got to buy awesome wands from Noah and then the kids spent lots of time running around casting spells on each other.  They have had a ton of fun and it was a good diversion.
Another diversion.  This weekend there was a big sailfish tournament at our marina.  LOTS of big, fancy fishing boats came into town for this big fishing contest.  It has been busy and bustling here.  We woke about 5:45 am both Friday and today to the big boats heading out for the fishing fun. Then they come back to the marina around 5 pm . It is like watching a parade coming by. There were 26 boats involved.  It was fun to watch them.

If you can tell, the small white flag on the right is what they put up if they caught a sailfish that day.  It has a picture of a blue sailfish on the flag.  We would count the flags as they came by to see how many each boat caught that day.

This boat caught the most for the day--5 flags.  There were also prizes for catching mahi mahi and wahoo too.  It was cool to see some of the fish they caught when they were cleaning them.  The sailfish are catch and release only so they measure the fish and take pictures before they release them, but the other fish were cool to see. It sure has been busy around our marina lately.
So, finally, the time has come to say goodbye to Florida. Our permit to be here expires soon, so the plan is to go up to Georgia, get the boat settled there, and wait one more month while hurricane season finally finishes up. Then we will head to the Bahamas.  That is the current plan anyway.  It has been a crazy few weeks with kinks coming up with both our short term and long term boat plans and it has made us a bit crazy.  Some days we are ready to leave for the Bahamas now and get on with it, other days we are ready to sell this crazy boat.  It has had its challenges, but has been so amazing too.  So I will end this post with a few more random pictures of St. Augustine that will remind us of the wonderful memories of this place. By the way, the people here are wonderful. Everyone here has made us feel so at home and even though we feel like it is time to move on, it was a little sad to go today too. 
 I finally have a couple of pictures of all of us on the boat. Yea!

We love this crazy motel.  We went by it whenever we walked to the beach and we thought it was very unique and awesome! It doesn't make sense decoratively with the magic hat and rabbits and then there are flamingos by the room doors, but it is a one-of-a-kind.
Yes, it is very scary, but I don't want to forget my crazy, wild hair. It has been rather entertaining at times to see what the humidity will do to my hair. This humidity has been one of our bigger adjustments.  The way everything feels damp and you have to put everything (gum, crackers, anything crunchy, paper) in baggies or it gets soggy, so different from Utah.

We will never forget the amazing wildlife here in Florida.  That has been our favorite thing. The turtles, birds, fish, dolphins, manatees, etc.  We love it all. 
 Now on to the fun in Georgia.

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