Monday, October 8, 2012

cool weather, cool kids

How pretty is this!  The sky, clouds, and water were this amazingly dark pink and it was
 too pretty to ignore. This was on Thursday.

Then another wonder on Friday afternoon. 2 funnel clouds or water spouts (that's what everyone here at the marina called them) appeared and we watched them for a few minutes as they were kicking up dust and stuff where they were hitting.  Pretty cool looking but another thing we watched and hoped they wouldn't make it over to our boat. Everyone we talked to after said that these are very rare and many hadn't seen any for years.  Crazy to have two right together.
Saturday we went out for some sailing and we listened to conference (yes, Paul could pick up KSL radio from his phone-even out on the ocean- and just plugged it into the speakers for us all to hear). It was a unique way to enjoy the first day of General Conference. It was really nice. We did a little fishing as you can see as well.  Lucy had just put down her line and immediately caught this.  We have no idea what is was.  It was long like an eel but it was a fish and it had scary teeth.  It was metallic silver and crazy looking.  We called it the sea monster.  Emily caught one like it a few minute later.  Then I caught a shark right after that.  Weird fishing day.

When Paul went out to start hooking up the spinaker sail he had the sudden urge to do the Titanic scene/pose and yelled out "I'm king of the world" so I had to grab a picture of that. :)
So, I think I need to take a minute to write about my cool kids. Paul and I have had a stressful couple of weeks with some boat issues and then the lightning experience last week.  But the kids just continue to amaze us.  Don't get me wrong, they sometimes bug and tease and argue as usual, but I love seeing the awesome things they do for each other and just watching them spending so much time together is cool. And their creativity when there has not been a lot of action and adventure lately is pretty cool too. I walked down to Jack's room a couple of days ago and saw him teaching Noah how to play chess. cool.  Later that day, Emily and Noah made up a new game at the lounge involving a crushed paper cup(the ball), a trash can(the basket) and various other items and many rules.  They had a blast and entertained themselves for a long time.  It is called "Flop ball" and Em would have to explain the game to you. cool. 
I was a little worried about how it would go to watch General Conference on the boat.  I didn't have my usual activity and coloring pages and stuff like at home.  But again the kids pleasantly surprised me.  There was a big bag of almonds sitting on the table and Emily picked up a paring knife and starting carving an almond. She made this cute little whale.  So all of a sudden Em, Lucy, and Noah are sitting very quietly carving almonds while we watched/listened to conference.  cool. It was possibly our most favorite conference weekend we have had.
Yesterday at dinner time, they decided to have a dinner party on the dock. cool.  I have just been thinking about how when we approached them with this whole boating idea, they were all on board with it, and even when they were only able to bring 1 box of their stuff from home with them, they did not complain.  I think it is cool that they are learning that they don't need a lot of stuff to be entertained or happy. I think that they are pretty cool.

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