Friday, January 22, 2010

Holiday Festivities

Ok, time to play catch up. Let's start with Thanksgiving, 2009. We had a pretty calm one compared to most years. With Paul gone, we just felt like staying home and stuff. My parents and Kevin came over. So it was nice but pretty quiet. Kevin brought over a cool remot-control contraption he had made and we had fun playing with that. A highlight of the day was of course the tradition of making our gingerbread houses that evening.

They made some pretty fine houses. It was a fun weekend.Jack and Em had a sleep over with Jeremy and Lucy had one with Zoe and Caitlin and then the Martins visited from Las Vegas so it was a fun weekend.

Early December; time to get excited for Christmas. A classic, visiting Temple Square to see the lights. We met up with Grandma and Silvi, Wendy and Wil, Jaci and Tanner. It was lovely as always and we went to Crown Burger after. YUM!

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