Saturday, January 30, 2010

Afghanistan for the Holidays

Wow, does he look amazing or what!

Ok, so the holidays in Afghanistan actually mean pretty much the same thing as any other day in Afghanistan. Time to work and do what needs to be done. Paul is really having an amazing adventure and is keeping busy.

These pictures are just a few from a mission he went on in November. This stuff all scares me a little, but I think he loves it. We are so proud of Paul for his hard work and the many sacrifices he makes for us.

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Yes, I am still catching up from the holidays....

Emily, Noah and Lucy decided to sing in the Swiss Christmas choir this year. They sang at the creche and at Swiss Christmas. How cute are they?

Lots of friends joined the fun, Madison and Melissa Fellows, Elle and Kennedy Dalsing, Macy Risto, and Savanah Ralph. My children are blessed to have wonderful friends.
Decorating for the Holidays. I was very proud of myself and Jack for getting that ginormous tree put up without Paul here. Noah thought he was pretty cool going up on the ladder. Yikes!
Jack and Emily got a little money-making job for their holiday break. They made 400+ bratzlies for a wedding reception. I was a little worried that it might become overwhelming, but it actually went really well. I helped with the dough and they sat there chatting, teasing, and watching some of the Christmas classics on TV while they worked (like Christmas Story, and the Year Without A Santa Claus). We love that Heat Miser!

Some more must do traditions at the Colton home in December: cookie decorating and reading Christmas books and stories. Just put on warm, snuggly jammies and cuddle up with a blanket or even sit on the heater vent (as we are always doing this month). Just trying to stay warm any way we can!

Friday, January 22, 2010

Snow Time

Early December means kids who are very excited for the snow to come. They can't get enough of it. I remember those good old days when I could play out there for hours and never feel cold. Now I am much more of a baby. I do go play in it with the kids, but I wimp out after about 45 minutes.

Lucy, Zoe, and

Playing in the snow has become a tradition at the Rasband family Christmas party every year. It includes sledding down Memorial Hill, riding around the house being pulled by the 4 wheeler as well as with a few random snowball fights and frozen toes.

Playing with the neighborhood gang for hours in the back yard. Who can build the biggest snowman is always the first question.

Holiday Festivities

Ok, time to play catch up. Let's start with Thanksgiving, 2009. We had a pretty calm one compared to most years. With Paul gone, we just felt like staying home and stuff. My parents and Kevin came over. So it was nice but pretty quiet. Kevin brought over a cool remot-control contraption he had made and we had fun playing with that. A highlight of the day was of course the tradition of making our gingerbread houses that evening.

They made some pretty fine houses. It was a fun weekend.Jack and Em had a sleep over with Jeremy and Lucy had one with Zoe and Caitlin and then the Martins visited from Las Vegas so it was a fun weekend.

Early December; time to get excited for Christmas. A classic, visiting Temple Square to see the lights. We met up with Grandma and Silvi, Wendy and Wil, Jaci and Tanner. It was lovely as always and we went to Crown Burger after. YUM!