Thursday, December 20, 2012

Nassau, Bahamas, 12/18

I don't know when I will be able to get a connection that will let me load pictures, so for now I guess this will just be like my journal and I will keep trying and add them in when I can.

We left Chub Cay early (4 am) on 12/18 so we would have time for some fun in Nassau. The sail went well and we got there around 11 am. We went through more super deep water like the gulf stream- the soundings said over 9000 ft. That is just crazy.
When we got to Nassau, we decided to splurge just a little for one day and stayed at the Atlantis Marina which let us use the Atlantis resort facilities -the aquarium and water park on Paradise Island. We thought that could kind of be a Christmas gift for the kids since we aren't really doing gifts this year. This year we have drawn names and are making homemade gifts for each other. Should be interesting. We are all having fun trying to come up with ideas for these gifts.

Atlantis is a beautiful resort and we loved the aquarium.  They had huge manta rays. The water park was fun too and it was nice to get off the boat and just play and relax.
That evening we took our last chance for a little while to do laundry and to take hot showers and that was nice.

We could have stayed in Nassau a few days because it is a big bustling city, but we decided to head out to the Exumas the next morning because some high winds and possible storms are heading here and this looked like the best day to cross over that last 30 miles. We took the chance to get some more groceries before we left too. Ouch, food is expensive here. But it will be much more expensive and we will have few options in the exumas. We have stocked up the boat pretty good though. We are eating mainly rice, pasta, soups, and cheap stuff, and then get limited amounts of milk, fruits/veggies, because they are pricy here. Milk was $4 for a half gallon here.  Too steep for us. Eggs were cheap though, so we bought a ton. It's ok, though, it is worth it to be out here having this experience. Next stop is the exumas and we are really excited!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you are having fun! I need a map of the Caribbean to see where you are. I do know the island of Nassau we went there a year ago and stayed at Atlantis, it is a lot of fun, huh? Oh I am jealous of the warm temperatures you are in! We have had lows in the negatives and have not gone over 20 degrees for over a week! Take care!
