Tuesday, November 6, 2012

On the road...again

No, this does not look like Georgia or Florida.  We have been on the move the past week and a half.  We decided that since we still had a month left of hurricane season, we would come home and see the family for a break and be home for Thanksgiving.  The kids wouldn't let me write our plan on the blog because they wanted to surprise some of their friends when we got home, so now it is safe to write. So anyway, we left Georgia just before the big storm hit (we secured the boat really well before we left and it is ok-so we hear). We drove across the country...again.  If you had told me a year ago that I would drive across the country 2 times with my family in a four month period I would never have believed it. We used to think that driving to Las Vegas was a big road trip.  We drove 15 hours the first day, 12 hours the next, and the next was about 8 when we added in a side trip to the grand canyon. It was really cool, but we didn't stay long because it was freezing!!! Took a few pictures and headed to Las Vegas.

We stayed a few days in Las Vegas with our favorite Martin family. It was beautiful and sunny and the kids were in heaven. They took us shooting and the kids loved it.
While we were at the shooting range, we noticed that Jack, Em and I were matchy.  It happened often while we were in Florida. We would notice that Em, Lucy, and Noah were all wearing the same colored clothes unintentially, or me, Lucy, and Emily, or whatever. It was funny. I think maybe from living in such close quarters our brains were thinking alike.
We also went to an orchard and picked apples and had some yummy donuts and fruit. It was just a lovely weekend.
Next we headed up to Nephi to stay with Paul's family. Again, it was beautiful and sunny and we had a ball. We played outside, went on four wheeler rides, raked leaves and  really enjoyed ourselves.
Halloween was a great day.  More great weather, four wheeling, picking apples, making cute halloween food, etc.
We even got to carve pumpkins.  Lucky us.
Since we hadn't had a chance to plan costumes, our family helped us throw together these. Em and Lucy threw on jammies and robes and put curlers in their hair, and Noah borrowed aunt Wendy's cowboy toys and they were set. It was easy for me and they had a great night trick or treating with their cousin Silvi.

We then made the final leg up to Midway/Heber to see my family and some friends. It was great to see my family and the kids all had a great time playing with some friends they have missed dearly. Sadly, I didn't manage to get any pictures  of all that excitement. It has been very fun and very busy this past few days. We are loving having a chance to get some things done here and to see our very awesome families and friends. It is also nice to sleep in normal beds and not bump our heads as we walk through a house  for a change. This experience helps us to be thankful for the little things. :)